February 2025 Membership Meeting

Monday, February 24, 2024

7:00 pm

Online via Zoom Web Conference

See email for log-in information

Subject to Adjustment

This month’s meeting will feature an update from Ballston BID’s new CEO Danette Nguyen, regular business, and discussions of various ongoing area developments.

Featured Topics

Ballston BID Update

Ballston BID‘s new CEO Danette Nguyen will provide an update on plans for the BID and BVSCA’s future role on the BID’s Board of Directors.

Regular Business

Meeting Minutes Update

We will review and solicit approval of the January 2025 meeting minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

Our Treasurer, Giang Dang, will give us a brief on our financial situation and membership numbers.

As a reminder, please renew – or join – BVSCA on our membership page. Dues for the 2024-2025 Membership Year (only $10!) are currently being collected.

(If you are able, please consider renewing for multiple years to minimize transactional burdens for our treasurer.)

Arlington Civic Federation (CivFed)

Hear the latest news from BVSCA’s representatives to  CivFed, Sharon Valencia, Nick Klissas, Ken Hughes, and Robbie Woodson.

Arlington Neighborhoods Advisory Committee (ArNAC)

Ken Hughes, our ArNAC representative, will provide an update.

Developments Around BVSCA

Open session, with option to break-out into follow-up meetings for any questions or updates on projects as found on My Arlington Projects which include:

  1. Ballston One (4601 Fairfax Drive)
  2. 11th & Vermont Construction
  3. 3130 Langston Boulevard – Walgreens Site
  4. FUSE at Mason Square (GMU Arlington Campus)
  5. 1137 N. Stuart Street – Variance Request
  6. American Legion
  7. Macy’s Redevelopment
  8. Quincy / Buck Site
  9. Any other developments raised by attendees

Stormwater Working Groups

Ken Hughes and Jim Rosen will update on the Spout Run and Lubber Run working groups.

Upcoming external speakers

Discussion on speakers for 2024-2025:

  • Feb: Danette Nguyen, Ballston BID CEO
  • Mar: Representative from new office building Ballston One (4601 Fairfax Drive)
  • Apr: TBA

Suggestions for speakers or topics from our membership are welcome. Please email info@ballstoncivic.org with your suggestions.