Tag Archives: Kirkwood Road

UPDATE:County Board to Consider Funding Kirkwood Rd Project

**UPDATE: The County Board delayed consideration of the NC Projects, including the project along Kirkwood Rd Saturday’s meeting, and will continue consideration tonight at 6:30pm. Click here to get the agenda for tonight’s meeting.

On the agenda for consideration by the County Board at this Saturday’s meeting is the approval of Neighborhood Conservation bond funds for priority neighborhood projects, including our project to extend sidewalk from 14th Street to Lee Highway along the west side of Kirkwood Road. The meeting begins at 8:30am in the Board Room at 2100 Clarendon Blvd, Arlington, VA 22201. We encourage anyone who supports the project to attend. If the Board approves the project, construction should begin in Spring 2012.

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NCAC Recommends Kirkwood Rd Project to County Board

On Tuesday, December 9, 2010, the Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee (NCAC) voted to recommend that the Arlington County Board fund the Kirkwood Road project, which would install sidewalk from 14th Street to 17th Street along the western side of Kirkwood Road. WalkArlington will install additional sidewalk to join with the NC portion just north of 17th Street and will extend to Lee Highway.

The County Board should vote on final funding for this project in February. To view the County Board’s meeting agenda, please click here.

Thank you to the residents of Kirkwood that shouldered this project for many years. It is through your efforts that this project will be implemented to improve the community.